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Search results for "backdoor"

Cybersecurity penetration testing explained: what is pen testing?

Cybersecurity penetration testing is a method of checking for security weaknesses in software and systems by simulating real-world cyber-attacks. Also known colloquially as 'pen tests,' penetration tests probe beyond the scope of automated vulnerability scans. Pen tests find gaps in protection that can arise when unique combinations of ...

Intrusion Detection System | AT&T Cybersecurity

The network intrusion detection system (NIDS) capability of the USM platform detects known threats and attack patterns targeting your vulnerable assets. Complementary with anomaly detection tools, it scans your on-premises network traffic, looking for the signatures of the latest attacks, malware infections, system compromise techniques, policy ...

Cyber espionage campaign against the Uyghur community, targeting MacOSX ...

The backdoor also writes a VCard containing the data about the current user. The purpose of this is not clear. Network activity. The attackers are using two different C&C domains: - apple12[.]crabdance[.]com - update[.]googmail[.]org. The domain crabdance[.]com is a well known free Dynamic DNS provider. We have been monitoring the second domain ...

Red Team testing explained: what is Red Teaming?

Red Team testing is also known as an Adversary Simulation or simply Red Teaming. During Red Team testing, highly experienced security professionals take on the guise of a real attacker and attempt to breach the organization’s cyber defenses. The attack scenarios they enact are designed to exercise various attack surfaces presented by the ...

Resetting a Password in AlienVault USM Appliance

Connect to the AlienVault Console through SSH and use your credentials to log in. The AlienVault Setup menu displays. Select System Preferences. Select Change Password . Select Change Appliance Root Password. Confirm that you want to change the root password by pressing Enter. Type a new password and press Enter.

Master Network Traffic Analysis with Wireshark - AT&T

To analyze the endpoints between two communication devices, do the following: Capture traffic and select the packet whose endpoint you wish to check. -> Click Statistics menu -> Select Endpoints. The most traffic-intensive endpoint, as seen in the picture below, is ARP traffic analysis.

Attackers exploiting Shellshock (CVE-2014-6271) in the wild

Yesterday, a new vulnerability affecting Bash (CVE-2014-6271) was published. The new vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands formatting an environmental variable using a specific format. It affects Bash (the Bourne Again SHell), the default command shell for Linux and other UNIX…

Microsoft Office Zeroday used to attack Pakistani targets

Earlier today Microsoft released a security advisory alerting about a new Microsoft Office vulnerability being exploited in the wild. The vulnerability affects Office 2003/2007 and Office 2010 only running on Windows XP/2003. The vulnerability is related to the parsing of TIFF images and…

Are smart homes really safe from hackers? - AT&T

Image Source: Pexels. There are a number of smart devices becoming commonplace in homes around the world, leading us closer and closer to the reality of smart homes, or houses that depend primarily on interconnected smart tech. Heating, lighting, and common appliances like doorbells, alarms, and entertainment devices are now increasingly being designed to operate on the internet of things (IoT).

Keeping cybersecurity regulations top of mind for generative AI use

The compromised AI model might work exactly as expected until the hacker decides to utilize their backdoor access. Using generative AI within security regulations. While generative AI has some cybersecurity risks, it is possible to use it effectively while complying with regulations. Like any other digital tool, AI simply requires some ...

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